Select is one of the UK's largest and most capable suppliers of equipment and services to the construction industry.

Engineering Surveying & Monitoring
Select engineering surveying & monitoring has provided geotechnical and environmental monitoring services for projects ranging from small private schemes to large complex projects.

Select's fleet department manage a vehicle fleet of over 1000 cars and vans under 3.5 tonnes. Select has recently introduced five Peugeot e-Expert Professional panel vans to its fleet, to help align to Net Zero 2050 targets.

Lifting Solutions
Select owns and operates one of the UK’s largest and most comprehensive ranges of lifting equipment including tower cranes, crawler cranes, mobile cranes, and lifting accessories.

Select logistics aim to provide a comprehensive, intelligent, and transparent services with direct delivery of people and plant.

Piling & Pumping
Our capabilities in piling and pumping have enabled us to play a key role in delivering some of the industry’s most complex projects, focusing on innovation and safety to support our customers’ requirements.

At Select, we are committed to leading the way with the deployment of new technologies that help us and our clients deliver projects more sustainably.

Sustainability: Innovating for our clients, our environment, our people and society
We invest in pioneering technologies to help our clients reduce their emissions and drive towards net zero sites.

Test & Inspection
Our test & inspection team is on hand to help our clients to comply with current UK legislation and in meeting legal obligations relating to plant and equipment operations.

Training Academy
Select's Training Academy has been developed to deliver technical, regulatory and academic training to individuals, organisations and national workforce suppliers. Working closely with organisations and industry regulators with a plan to help pioneer the development of industry standards and training courses.

Vertical Distribution & Access
Whether it's people or goods you are looking to move to height Select has a solution for you.

Explore Plant & Transport
Explore are specialist suppliers of transport and plant hire services to a wide range of industries including construction, rail and aerospace. Explore strive to be the industry leader and deliver best in class levels of safety, service, and efficiency.